Overthinking worries you into worse..

Julie Ashby
2 min readJul 19, 2020

Courage — being scared and doing it anyway .
If your not taking any action on your life purpose which will give you the greatest psychological , emotional and physical wellbeing possible — then why not ?
You will never be 100% sure.
You could stop waiting for it to be guaranteed , step by step , manual that gets personally handed to you by god ( it won’t and will never come )
You could stop being scared of getting it wrong .
You could study BE — DO — HAVE model of creator vs victim — — and see what the psychological effects of wasting time waiting does to a person .
You could learn there is no actual outcome of how to do it.
Worrying about HOW it will work out isn’t even your job / problem / responsibility anyway so it’s pointless ..,,
This is your job — D E C I D E. Learn how to make a decision . 🌟
Why you want it — YOU
What you want — YOU
What it will feel like — YOU
What feelings you need to practice — YOU
HOW and when it will all unfold in perfect sequence — NOT you ( it’s up to creator / source / universe / god )
You can take a huge load off your mind and shoulders when you see worry is pointless and has no place and purpose here .
You will feel empowered to do something when you ;
fire up BE / Creator mode where all you have to do is generate new energy everyday in the direction ,
relax into a process ,
and never , ever go into victim / blame anyone / stay in any toxic friendship or relationship that is unsupportive of your end result — which is to live in integrity with your values.
peace / success / belonging / creativity / leadership / abundance / love / leadership / family / freedom etc

You can try a power session coaching intensive for around. 2–2.5 hours , my fav to work . Plus a BONUS week follow up where we will work on your next steps over email !

Book now julie@julieashby.com
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Julie Ashby

🌟Spiritual solutions for Mental Health 💥Your Life Purpose Coach 🎬MEDIA industry 20yrs 📽Former TV Network exec 👑ICG Coach 🎆Research 💎Radio